Market Value Assets
What is a Market Value Asset
A market value asset (MVA) is a cornerstone experience that prepares a student for future learning and employment. MVAs are authentic previews of the world of work or post-secondary education. While the professional and academic worlds are ever-changing, the outgrowths students develop when they work on authentic projects with real employers and mentors are durable enough to benefit them throughout their lives.
What are the types of Market Value Assets?
The Kansas City Real World Learning network currently recognizes the following categories of Market Value Assets:

Work Experiences
Learners perform authentic job tasks at a worksite or approved location (including virtual) under the guidance of a qualified supervisor. These experiences typically include some of the following:
- Academic credit (high school or college),
- Compensation,
- 120 hours of engagement,
- Performance is evaluated by the work manager in addition to the educator.

Learners analyze and solve authentic problems, working in collaboration with other learners and professionals, impacting employer, civic, social, or faith-based organizations. These experiences typically include some of the following:
Authentic methods and tools used by professionals in the work environment, Mentoring and evaluation by working professionals with multiple interactions,
24 hours of engagement, with project work throughout the school day(s) facilitated by the educator
Output or product solves a problem or addresses an employer need that is viewed as valuable by the client(s).
Performance is evaluated by the work manager in addition to the educator.

Entrepreneurial Experiences
Using input and support from multiple stakeholders, learners iteratively analyze, prototype, implement, reflect on, and adapt potential solutions to a problem. Outputs of entrepreneurial experiences typically include some of the following:
Learners themselves identify, research, and develop a solution to solve a social or market problem.
Market and stakeholder research summary, “Business plan” that includes an assessment of costs and benefits associated with the development and operation of their solution, Feedback from relevant external stakeholders obtained through exhibition or “shark-tank” type pitch opportunities.

Regionally Vetted IRCs (Industry-Recognized Credentials)
These typically include: current lists published by state education departments (reviewed with employers and validated for applicability and relevance), and regionally customized and vetted credentials.

College Credit
Nine (9) or more hours of college-level credits, in which the student completes coursework progressing towards a college degree.
*Updates are intended to provide clarity and were developed in collaboration with RWL Network Superintendents & MDRC.